VFW District 17 News

I just posted this as a "proof of concept"

- that is, we can do this

and yes, there will be many errors.... most borders have been left in, just for debug, but the site is responsive, in that as you decrease the width the site will start accomadating the new widths.

(?? headings are reversed, will need a clean css install)

What is needed for all the members to contribute to the success of the website - the "nuts and bolts" can be handled by a few website administrators, whe will only be responsible for design - content will be in the hands of the district officers and members, who should be communicating their desires for the website content.

A New District Website in the future?

The Website Committee held their third meeting on Wednesday Mar 31st(why is "sup" so large???) and ... there is no real news, however, we have the current website paid thru September 2022 so even though there are advantages of going thru a provider such as DrivePath, we can easily cope with the current situation as long as we have a supporting committee to disseminate news, populate the calendar/website, and in general keep up with department, district, post and member news. Jack is set to be the "assistant" webmaster, and as soon as the current webmaster sends over the appropriate info, I plan on porting over what is here to the site, https://www.vfwcadistrict17.org/

All that being said, without the Drivepath option

we have no "direct" news from National or State, no mailing features, no easy "anyone can do it" website, where the adjutant can post the minutes directly, the quartermaster can post the budget and monthly reports, the commander can post his own corner, and so on ad nauseum.